

Transit Emergency Response Railcar Mover

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The Highway Railcar Switcher configured as a Transit Emergency Response Vehicle is a highway truck modified as a dual purpose truck railcar mover where the rubber tires drive on rail to develop the motive power and can also be used as a standard truck for over the road service. The Railcar Switcher package can be installed on a variety of highway trucks. The unit is designed to have the rear Rail Gear positioned between the rear tires and the front Rail Gear in front of the front tires. This configuration shortens the overall Rail Gear wheel base and reduces front vehicle overhang when traveling through tight curves.


The truck can be equipped with Mitchell Train Air Brakes, Rail Sanders, Freight or Transit Railcar Couplers, tool circuits and winches as well as many other custom attachment systems. The Railcar Switcher offers exceptional control when handling railcars on rail, like a locomotive, but at lower cost and increased efficiency.


The Rail Switcher Load Sensing Guide Wheel System maintains constant weight on the rail wheels to develop maximum traction. As the machine travels through dips in the track, or over a track switch, the rail wheels automatically compensate to maintain a constant load on the rail wheels. The rail wheels are positioned very close to the rubber tires which results in optimum responsiveness on rail.  



Rubber Tire Drive Benefits

Develops 85% coefficient of friction. Utilizes standard AAR couplers as well as UIC, transit or other coupling systems. Drive train is pneumatically cushioned to reduce rail movement shock loading. Direct drive requires no onboard computer assistance for maximum traction.